
The Society for Nursing Science and Engineering

看護理工学会誌 6巻2号


論 説

  • 8K硬性内視鏡システム:その過去,現在,未来
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    千葉敏雄1,2,3 谷岡健吉3,4
    1. 昭和大学医学部
    2. 早稲田大学理工学術院
    3. 一般社団法人メディカル・イノベーション・コンソーシアム
    4. ニューヨーク州立大学


    8K UHD rigid endoscopic system:The past, present and future
    Toshio Chiba1,2,3 Kenkichi Tanioka3,4
    1. School of Medicine, Showa University
    2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
    3. Medical Innovation Consortium
    4. State University of New York

    Medical endoscopic applications of an 8K ultra-high-definition(UHD;7680×4320 pixels)imaging technology has started from 8K UHD laparoscopic animal experiment in 2013. After 8K UHD laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 2014 using a prototype 8K UHD camera weighing over 2 kg, Kairos Co., Ltd succeeded in reduction of the camera weight to 370 g which was truly practical in the medical field and finally commercialized as a medical device in 2017 in Japan. Using our 8K UHD endoscope with 16-times resolution compared with conventional high-definition(HD;1920×1080 pixels)endoscope and an 8K UHD large monitor, surgeons can observe thin blood vessels, thin membrane structures, and important nerve fibers which have been hard to see clearly. We believe that our 8K UHD endoscopic imaging is very likely to changes the future of endoscopic surgery with an improvement of surgical efficiency, safety and medical economic effects.

    8K ultra-high definition(UHD),rigid endoscopic system,laparoscopic surgery,cholecystectomy
  • 看護師さんはキャビンアテンダント?
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    1. 東京電機大学総合研究所特命教授
    2. 東京大学名誉教授


    Is a nurse a cabin attendant?
    Takeyoshi Dohi1,2
    1. Tokyo Denki University
    2. The University of Tokyo

    The work contents of the nurse is different from a cabin attendant taking care of the embarkation visitor of the airplane. In the site of the current clinical medicine, the nurse does not take care of the patient and must use many medical equipment like a doctor. In other words the nurse uses medical equipment for condition management of the patient as well as treatment and inspection ordered by a doctor. For the medical equipment which nurse targets for use and the research, there are following types.(1)Medical equipment with the knowledge that is deeper than a thing of an instrument,(2)Medical equipment for the purpose of the active use to the field of nursing,(3)An instrument supporting manual labor of the nurse,(4)Development of the medical equipment which is convenient for nursing. Actually, in the work of the nurse, there are many problems that were already solved. On the other hand, there is even solved work when a problem is found newly.

    nursing science and engineering,medical equipment,physical burden,aging society

原 著

  • (英文論文)A comparison of the movement of the mandible in infants between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding(母乳と哺乳瓶哺乳時の下顎運動の比較)
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    松原まなみ1 井上 円2
    1. 関西国際大学保健医療学部看護学科
    2. 女子栄養大学栄養科学研究所


    A comparison of the movement of the mandible in infants between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding
    Manami Matsubara1 Madoka Inoue2
    1. Kansai University of International Studies, Graduate School of Health Science
    2. Institution of Nutritional Sciences, Kagawa Nutrition University

    Aim:To compare mandibular movements in infants between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Methods:A total of 24 full-term infants, aged 3-4 days, with birth weight 〓2500g and no medical problems were recruited. The infants were divided into two groups by their mother’s choice. Group A included 10 infants who were exclusively breastfed after birth, while group B included 14 infants who were bottle-fed first and then were additionally breastfed at each feeding after birth. The mandibular movements including the sucking cycle, the time intervals of jaw opening and closing, the mandibular displacement, the acceleration of mandibular movements, and the maximum angle at jaw opening were measured at each feeding to draw sucking waveforms using a motion analysis software. Unpaired student T-test was performed to compare mandibular movements between the infants in group A during breastfeeding and those in group B during bottle-feeding. Results:The acceleration of mandibular movements, the mandibular displacement, and the maximum angle at jaw opening were significantly greater during breastfeeding than during bottle-feeding(p<0.001 for all). The amplitudes of the waveforms were larger during breastfeeding than during bottle-feeding. Conclusion:The mandibular movement was significantly greater during breastfeeding than during bottle-feeding. Breastfeeding might more require kinetic energy in mandible to obtain milk than bottle-feeding.



  • 完全閉じ込め症候群(TLS)となったALS患者のコミュニケーション
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    完全閉じ込め症候群(TLS)となったALS患者のコミュニケーション -脳波(ERP)を用いたAndroidスマートフォンアプリの開発-
    1. 島根県立大学

    意識や聴覚や思考能力はあるものの,目も開けられず,完全に閉じ込められた状態になる完全閉じ込め症候群(Totally Locked-in Syndrome:TLS)となってしまった筋萎縮性側索硬化症(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis:ALS)患者のための意思伝達補助装置(Communication Aids:CA)の開発が切望されている.そこで,視覚刺激や聴覚刺激に関連して出現する事象関連電位(Event-Related Potential:ERP)を意思情報として利用するAndroidスマートフォンアプリを開発した.患者家族や医療関係者からの簡単な質問に対する患者のYESまたはNOの意思を特定する.これにより,本アプリは患者と家族,そして医療関係者との日頃の会話の一助となり,TLSとなったALS患者の生活の質は大きく改善する.

    Communication of ALS patients with totally locked-in syndrome -Development of android-smartphone application by utilizing event-related potential-
    Naoyuki Kano1
    1. University of Shimane

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS)patients are unable to successfully communicate their desires, although their mentality is normal, and so, the necessity of Communication Aids(CA)is realized. Therefore, the author focused on Event-Related Potential(ERP)which is elicited for the target by visual and auditory stimuli. P200, N200, P300, and N400 are components of ERP. These are brain potentials that are elicited when the subject focuses attention on stimuli that appears infrequently. It is possible for ALS patients to communicate their desires by utilizing ERP as their intention information. So,“Communication System by utilizing Android-Smartphone Application”was developed for Totally Locked-in Syndrome(TLS)patient. It consists of the smartphone, the electroencephalogram(EEG)module and three electrodes. The caregiver asks ALS patient some simple questions. And ALS patient answers“YES”or“NO”to the caregiver. This system can detect their answer.

    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(als),totally locked-in syndrome(tls),communication aids(ca),event-related potential(erp)
  • 実践報告

    • (英文論文)Exploration of communication robot use for older patients in an acute hospital based on case trials(症例を通じた急性期病院入院中の高齢者向けコミュニケーションロボット活用の探索)
      日本語抄録 English Abstract
      野口博史1 小谷野結衣子2 森 浩美2 小見山智恵子2 真田弘美3,4 森 武俊1,3
      1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科ライフサポート技術開発学(モルテン)寄付講座
      2. 東京大学医学部附属病院看護部
      3. 東京大学医学部附属グローバルナーシングリサーチセンター
      4. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科健康科学・看護学専攻老年看護学/創傷看護学分野


      Exploration of communication robot use for older patients in an acute hospital based on case trials
      Hiroshi Noguchi1 Yuiko Koyano2 Hiromi Mori2 Chieko Komiyama2 Hiromi Sanada3,4 Taketoshi Mori1,3
      1. Department of Life Support Technology (Molten), Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
      2. Department of Nursing, The University of Tokyo Hospital
      3. Global Nursing Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
      4. Department of Gerontological Nursing/Wound Care Management, Division of Health Science and Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

      We attempted to realize robot communication with older patients with psychological symptoms in an acute hospital using two approaches:the feasibility study and robot application investigation study. For the feasibility study, two robots, Pepper and RoBoHoN, with their initial applications were placed near the nurse station. The ward nurse observed that almost all the patients felt happy. For the robot application investigation study, we developed two original applications:a robot saying several sentences randomly and repetitively and a robot talking with the patients based on programed topics such as family and childhood. The study revealed that calling patients using their names and waving a hand was important to attract attention of hospitalized older patients.The nurse observed that a patient became willing to enter rehabilitation positively after hearing the robot speaking. In addition, we observed that 10 out of 11 patients felt happy to listening to the robot. The results indicated that the robots have the capability to decrease the psychological symptoms, provide encouragement for active involvement in the treatments such as rehabilitation, and increase the sociality of the older patients.

      robot,older patients,cognitive impairment,psychological symptoms