
看護理工学会誌 5巻2号


  • 巻頭言


  • (英文論文)Development of a probe holder for accurate ultrasound-guided peripheral venipuncture(確実な超音波ガイドによる末梢静脈穿刺にむけたプローブ固定装置の開発)
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    巻野 雄介1 國武 美希1
    1. 大分県立看護科学大学


    Development of a probe holder for accurate ultrasound-guided peripheral venipuncture
    Yusuke Makino1 Miki Kunitake1
    1. Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences

    To make US-guided peripheral venipuncture widely acceptable across Japan, we developed a device to hold an US probe. The aim of this study was to identity the utility of the probe holder to perform simple and accurate US-guided peripheral venipuncture. Forty-eight nursing students were allocated to 3 groups:group A performed traditional peripheral venipuncture, group B performed conventional US-guided peripheral venipuncture, and group C performed US-guided peripheral venipuncture with the probe holder. All participants performed the specific venipuncture procedure assigned to the group using a venipuncture training aid model including a simulated invisible venous model. The success rate of peripheral venipuncture within three attempts was 56%(n=9)in group A, 75%(n=12)in group B, and 100%(n=16)in group C, with a significant difference between group A and C. Subjective difficulty of IV cannulation was evaluated significantly lower in groups B and C compared with group A. Our findings suggest that the novel probe holder enables easy and accurate US-guided venipuncture in veins that are not or hardly visible.

    ultrasound-guided peripheral venipuncture,probe holder,invisible vein,success rate
  • 腰部加速度変化量に基づく多重課題が歩容バランスに与える影響評価
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    前田宏行1 正源寺美穂2 渡辺哲陽3
    1. 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機械科学専攻
    2. 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系高齢者・リハビリテーション看護学分野
    3. 金沢大学理工研究域フロンティア工学系


    Influence evaluation of multi-task conditions on walking balance via hip acceleration variation
    Hiroyuki Maeda1 Miho Shogenji2 Tetsuyou Watanabe3
    1. Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduated school of Natural science and Technology, Kanazawa University
    2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University
    3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University

    In this study, we evaluated the influence of multi-task conditions on walking balance, by investigating the variation of hip acceleration. We employed an inertial measurement unit(IMU)sensor attached to the hips of subjects, and measured the hip acceleration during normal walking and walking under multi-task conditions. The hip acceleration with respect to the base frame was derived by Kalman filter, and we defined the increase rate of acceleration during walking under multi-task conditions to the one during normal walking. The results suggested that the auditory task and the combination of auditory and calculation tasks influence walking balance, and the acceleration in the left and right directions with respect to traveling direction were mainly deviated by the tasks. Moreover, we showed that walking balance is capable to be evaluated by a simple system utilizing only one IMU sensor.

    fall,gait analysis,multi-task conditions,acceleration,imu sensor
  • 硬膜外麻酔導入時に生じる皮膚内ひずみの針挿入方向微分の有限要素解析の試み
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    苗村 潔1
    1. 東京工科大学医療保健学部臨床工学科


    Strain derivative inside skin during epidural needle insertion calculated with finite element analysis
    Kiyoshi Naemura1
    1. Department of Clinical Engineering, School of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology

    Patients feel much pain during epidural needle insertion, due to deformation of the skin before puncturing. In order to develop a painless epidural insertion needle, purpose of the current study was quantification of pain by calculation of strain derivative inside the skin with finite element analysis(FEM). A mimicked skin for epidural insertion training was employed. Epidural needle insertion experiment against the mimicked skin showed actual insertion force and skin deformation. Results of the FEM matched with the experimental data satisfactory. When the epidural needle was inserted 0.8 mm into the mimicked skin, strain derivative was calculated as 0.49/mm in the location of 0.5 mm from the surface. The strain derivative with the epidural needle showed 1.5 times value as large as the strain derivative with an indenter for rubber stiffness. Thus, pain intensity could compare not only by visual analogue scale method, but also by the calculated strain derivative inside skin.

    epidural insertion needle,mimicked skin,strain,insertion force


  • 磁気共鳴(MR)画像を用いた骨盤底筋体操指導用動画の利用の試み
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    内藤 紀代子1,2 二宮 早苗3 岡山 久代4 遠藤 善裕5 古川 洋子6 森川 茂廣7
    1. びわこ学院大学教育福祉学部子ども学科
    2. 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科看護科学専攻博士後期課程
    3. 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻
    4. 筑波大学医学医療系
    5. 滋賀医科大学医学部看護学科
    6. 滋賀県立大学人間看護学部
    7. 滋賀医科大学神経難病研究センター


    Trials to utilize a magnetic resonance image-based video clip for pelvic floor muscle exercise
    Kiyoko Naito1,2 Sanae Ninomiya3 Hisayo Okayama4 Yoshihiro Endo5 Yoko Furukawa6 Shigehiro Morikawa7
    1. Department of Childhood Care, Faculty of Education Welfare, Biwako Gakuin University
    2. Doctoral Program Nursing Science, University of Tsukuba
    3. Human Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
    4. Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
    5. Department of Nursing, Shiga University of Medical Science
    6. Department of Human Nursing, University of Shiga Prefecture
    7. Molecular Neuroscience Research Centre, Shiga University of Medical Science


  • 寝たきり高齢者におけるスモールチェンジシステム搭載型エアマットレスの適用可能性の検討
    日本語抄録 English Abstract
    土屋 紗由美1 松本 勝2 須釜淳子3
    1. 金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻
    2. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科社会連携講座イメージング看護学
    3. 金沢大学新学術創成研究機構


    Feasibility study for the air mattress with the small change system in bedridden elderly
    Sayumi Tsuchiya1 Masaru Matsumoto2 Junko Sugama3
    1. Graduate Course of Nursing Science, Division of Health Sciences Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
    2. Department of Imaging Nursing Science, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
    3. Institute for Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa University




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