45th Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
A Message from President
Scientific Program
Conference Information
Useful Information

Call for papers

  The JSMRM 2017 Organizing Committee invites all interested individuals to submit abstracts so that the most updated research works and interesting cases around the world can be shared. We accept abstract submissions only from registration authors. Abstract submissions should be made by e-mail.

Important Dates

  Abstract submission start April 20, 2017
Deadline for abstract submission May 31, 2017 ⇒ Abstract Submission is closed.


  Class A
1. Clinical study
2. Clinical technical study
3. Preclinical and basic study
  Class B
1. Brain·Spinal cord
2. Spine
3. Head and Neck
4. Lung
5. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic system
6. Alimentary tract
7. Liver·Gall bladder·Pancreas·Spleen
8. Kidney·Adrenal gland·Bladder·Retroperitoneal organs
9. Prostate
10. Pelvis (Genecology and Obsterics)
11. Bone and Joints
12. Breast
13. Interventional MRI
14. Others
  Class C
1. functional MRI
2. Diffusion·Perfusion (brain)
3. Diffusion·Perfusion (other organs)
4. Tractography
5. Flow imaging
6. Elastography
7. Chemical shift imaging
8. Micro imaging
9. Fast imaging
10. Molecular imaging
11. 1H-MRS
12. 31P-MRS
13. Multinuclear MRS
14. ESR
15. Contrast, relaxation or chemical shift reagents
16. MRI hardware
17. Image processing
18. Magnetometry
19. Safety
20. Hyperpolarized MRI

Style of presentation

  There are 2 types of presentation:
1) Oral:7 min. presentation + 3 min. Q&A.
2) Poster:3 min. presentation + 3 min. Q&A.
The Program Committee will make the final allocation.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  1. Download the template file. (Link to templateJSMRM.doc)
  2. Abstract should be written in English.
  3. The title of the abstract should be no longer than 150 characters.
  4. The authors' name and affiliations.
The first author should be the corresponding author as well as the presenter. The first author has to complete registration and its payment.
  5. The short abstract should be no longer than 300 characters and spaces.
  6. The main text should be no longer than 1,600 characters and spaces.
If the text contains an image, the text should be within 1000 characters and spaces.
  7. Choose your preferable style of presentation.
  8. Choose the primary area of your presentation from 3 classes of Topics list (above).
  9. Send the abstract file by e-mail to jsmrm45@dokkyomed.ac.jp.

Notification of Acceptance

  The organizers has a liberty to judge accept or reject submitted abstracts, and style of presentation.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding authors by e-mail.


  Secretariat of JSMRM2017
e-mail: jsmrm45@dokkyomed.ac.jp