事務局長 増野 智彦
〒113-8603 東京都文京区千駄木1-1-5
TEL:03-3822-2131 Ext.6804
FAX:03-3821-5102 |
2014年6月27日(金)~29日(日) |
外傷診療に携わる外科医師 |
帝京大学 板橋キャンパス(〒113-8606 東京都板橋区加賀2-11-1) |
16 名 |
180,000円 |
所定の申込用紙にご記入の上、下記Eメールアドレスにお送りください。 |
DSTC-Japan@med.teikyo-u.ac.jp |
4月30日(水) |
*定員に達したため申込を終了いたしました* |
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to invite you a unique opportunity in Trauma Surgery and Education. Definitive
Surgical Trauma Care Course (DSTC-TM), exclusively for surgeons to be held from 27th June 2013 to
29th June 2014 at Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan. It will be held as a post congress course of the 28th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
The DSTC-TM Course is presented on behalf of the International Association for the Surgery of
Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care – IATSIC. IATSIC is part of the International Society of Surgery
and since 1988 has become the international forum for trauma surgery. Other courses have been
conducted around the world.
The course is designed to assist surgeons in their involvement in acute surgery and decisions
relating to serious trauma. It assumes all of the ATLS® principles and builds on them. If ATLS® deals
with the “first hour”, this course will deal with the “second hour”. It is a response to the lack of written
material and teaching on strategic issues of surgical resuscitation, early definitive care and surgica
A course program is attached. Participation is limited to sixteen registrants only. Course details
are as follows: |
DSTC Course Fee: 180,000JPY
Dates of Course: From 27th to 29th June. 2014
Venue: Teikyo University, 2-11-1 Kaga, Itabashi, Tokyo, 113-8606, Japan
Accommodation if required will be at your cost, and we can advise you regarding suitable places. |
This is a rare opportunity for a small group of surgeons to work intensively with a teaching faculty
with this depth of experience and international perspective.
If you are interested in the above course please fill in the application and send it into us.
Acceptance or rejection for participation will be send via email to you by the end of April, 2014.
I do hope you can join us.
Yours sincerely, |

DSTC-Japan coordinator
Trauma and Resuscitation Center
Teikyo University Hospital
Tokyo, Japan
DSTC-Japan@med.teikyo-u.ac.jp |